Thursday, November 15, 2007

Save the blog

OK. Here is the place to keep this thing going while I am trying to recharge my brain. I will jump in when and if I can. Have a good T-day. I'm very thankful for all of you.


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SoMissTV said...


Thanks for all you do, Marshall!

Katherine said...

Awww . . there you go again . . . making us feel all special.
We're thankful for you, too!

Supermom said...


watercolordaisy said...

I just ordered me a new robe! A red angel fleece one from lands end. Can you tell I'm cold? heh. Was such a long week, I came home and put my pj's on at 6pm. Have to be up early again tomorrow. I cannot WAIT for 5pm tomorrow.

Stacey said...

I'm thankful for me too. :)

Susan said...

I'm thankful for Stacey's profile picture. How can that face not make the day just a bit brighter?

(Stacey - I'm sure he has many faces that don't exactly brighten your day, but this specific one has to be about as good as it gets.)

eener said...

Stacey's pic always makes me smile. I look for it everyday! Marshall thanks for taking such good care of us... and allowing us to know each other and share our lives w/each other.. once again.... YOU SO ROCK!

Mrs.H said...

This place always brightens my day.
I love you guys (that's a generic "guys" that includes girls, cows, and bunnies.)

Supermom said...

Crap! Syndicated cartoons.... I HATE syndicated cartoons!!!


dhcoop said...

Susan and eener - I was just thinking that yesterday. Stacey's pic always makes me happy.

Big Sis should be landing in Dubai within the hour. Her hubby promised me an email from his dingleberry (what he calls his blackberry) to let me know when they arrive. I'm excited for her!

Ok guys (cows and bunnies, too), let's keep this thing going for our leader!!

Katherine said...

Goooood Morning everybody!

Is it as cold down there as it is up here today?
(not that I couldn't just look at the NWS webpage and find out for myself, but it's more fun to ask!)

HopieUM said...

If thirty degrees is cold then yes its cold! but its supposed to warm up a little today!

HopieUM said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
dhcoop said...

Frost on the windshield this morning Katherine, so it's a bit nippy.

Hey, everybody, let's remember clstigger's Dad today and hope everything is okay.

Anonymous said...

Ok...question of the day.

What are you most thankful for?

Katherine said...

Well, family and friends are the obvious answer, and I'm thankful that I have such wonderful ones. But, today, I'm especially thankful for lotion. :)
This dry weather is killing my skin (pregnant itchy skin would be intolerable without lotion!)

clstigger said...

Thanks dhcoop! My Dad has a serious blood clotting disorder so when something happens he gets put in the hospital quick. The Dr thought he might have a hematoma on his colon. But as far as they can tell he does not. Hopefully after a few more rounds of IV drugs today they will let him go home tomorrow. Thank you to everyone who was praying. Now hopefully my husband and I can still go on with our 1st year anniversary trip this weekend. I will be dealing with my medical issues when I get back from vacation. I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving and that each of you get to spend time with family.

Stacey said...

Anybody else get stuck in that heinous traffic jam on the stack last night? It took me an hour to get from Fondren to downtown Brandon. Good times.

I'm thankful that I don't live in Los Angeles anymore so I don't have to wait in that kind of traffic jam to go anywhere.

I'm thankful that I have a diaper-changing robot to change the extremely stinky poop my son just took. Oh wait. I don't have one of those. Dangit. Seriously, it smells like a hair salon. And he makes almost the icon face when I'm gagging.

Supermom said...

question for woopwa, bloggerman, Stacey and any other geocachers...

I've decided to get my son a GPS for Christmas so he and I can geocache for fun and to get out from under the video games..

I know they range from $100 - $1000...but what features specifically do I need to look for...

I have no idea what to get...

Blogger said...

i personally like a garmin. you can do like me and go to the area where you know the geocache is located and tracked it down by following the coords.. or you can programs the coord into your gps device and it will point in the direction you need to go. there are 2 over by the firestation you might want to try.

regina Butler said...

Good morning all. I'm late getting on. I took a picture at 7:50 this morning and flew to Tupelo to hear our allustrious leader speak.

He was wonderful!! He is the bravest man I know outside of a military uniform. It was neat to hear him share in person many of the things I've read about on his blog.

Bless his heart. I'm just glad he didn't get up early this morning and drive to Tupelo. They drove last night, but he said he didn't come through the petting zoo (Natchez Trace).

I'm sure Mrs. R. didn't feel like changing his drawers and Baby Ramesey's drawers.

He even let me help pay for his cabinets by buying a book!

Oh well, from cartoonist to court. gotta run.

regina Butler said...

BTW Has leagle eagle flewn over a mountain somewhere and forgotten her way back to Mississippi?

Supermom said...


Sheriff McMillan can NOT be the new police chief?!

vhdawg said...

It's been my understanding that the Sheriff of any county in MS has the authority to assume control of or disband any municipal police force if he deems it necessary, so I don't see how there could be a problem with this.

Susan said...

I did not see that one coming. I bet MR is itching to draw something right about now!

Anonymous said...

I'm in shock. McMillan? I never saw that coming. I thought he and Frank hated each other.

Stacey said...

Go cheap. As with all hobbies, you won't know if you like it till you've done it. Get a cheap one at first, and if you do it for a while and realize you really want to do it more and want better equipment, buy the better equipment then.

For example - Hubby talked for years about wanting to play guitar. I finally bought him one. He's touched it maybe 10 times in 3 years. Glad I got the guitar at the pawn shop instead of brand new...

Harry said...

Boy, did Marshall pick a bad time to take off or what??? Now Andy will have to draw the Frank & Malcolm Show cartoon!!!

Stacey said...

I'm kinda glad. I like how Marshall draws McMillan.

Stacey said...

C'mon Regina... you're gonna give Marshall a big head.

Supermom said...

I didn't mean "He could not" be the sheriff as in it is illegal... I meant it in the manner of "why in the world did he agree to do it"...

I wouldn't have said no, I would have said HELL no.

Supermom said...

this is a heck of a time for a political cartoonist to take a vacation...

Supermom said...

Regina, you forgot that he walks on water.

dhcoop said...

BIG shocker! I would have never dreamed Frank would offer him the position, much less that he would take it.

In other news...big sis called me from Dubai!! Good news is they made it over fine. Bad news is they found out when they got there that my bro-in-law's nephew was the one killed on 55 this morning at Crystal Springs.

regina Butler said...

Coop, sorry about the death in your family. My prayers are with all.

Supermom are you feeling better?

And I guess I shouldn't have called Marshall the allustrious leader, but the "illustrateous" leader. And he didn't perform any mirales, not even water to wine. *sigh*

watercolordaisy said...

I am thankful it is not last year.

watercolordaisy said...

First good decision Frank has made. Thank the Lord. It will be a good Thanksgiving after all.

Stacey said...

ha! illustrateous... I see what you did there. Punny!

dhcoop said...

"illustrateous" leader


Southern Miss Alum said...

Hughes not guilty; thoughts, anyone? And which one is the bigger story, McMillan or Hughes?

Supermom said...

I know the jury is privy to ALL the details so it's easy to play armchair quarterback...

but it sure seems to me that woman is guilty!

Woopwa said...

Supermom, I agree with both bloggerman and stacey. Although, once you go geocaching, you WILL be hooked. It's the closest thing to tivo that comes to mind (as far as getting hooked).

With that said, I think Garmin has got some great units. I'm not saying that the other brands don't work, I just know what I've got and what others say about their Garmins. You can spend around $100 to $150 and get exactly what you need to get started. Heck, I met a family a couple of weeks ago from the delta and they were using one of the "cheap" models. He has over a thousand finds with it - must work.

I've got the 60csx, but I wanted to use mine in my truck for driving directions and to use for geocaching. It goes for between $300 - $350. Just depends on where you get it and rebates.

Look at it this way, if you get the inexpensive one, you can always upgrade and you'll have an extra unit for another family member.

Hope this helps ... and remember - it's five o'clock somewhere

The Topiary Cow said...

First it rains, then we get a new police chief.

This week has been unprecedented.


Katherine said...

I have to confess - I had never heard of geocaching until today. But, darn if it doesn't sound like fun.
See all the cool stuff you learn if you hang around here long enough?

Blogger said...

katherine, if you havent all ready done so go to its great fun

Supermom said...

thanks Bloggerman, Stacey and Woopwa...

Those comments were indeed very helpful!

Supermom said...

Alicia Hughes says through tears, "The real tragedy in this more than me being persecuted and persecuted is that Brian's killer is still out there!"

So will she call O.J. and get pointers on how to find the 'real' killer or will she just pen a book, "If I did it"?

regina Butler said...

are anybody's eyes open yet?

to quote something clucky might say, my tail feathers are dragging this morning.

Okay, got to hit the coffee pot again.

eener said...

Regina, I have a touch of the "Coctail Flu" this morning... UGAH... I was celebrating the signing of a new house .... thank goodness I dont have to move TODAY...UGAH.. ps the Cocktail Flu is a Suthrnbelle's way of saying I HAVE A HANGOVER! Any self-respecting Belle would never have a HANGOVER.... ha... have a fun day ya'll.. I miss our leader... MR I hope you are having a great time.. whatevah you are doing!

regina Butler said...

Good night! supermom, I just noticed your first post was at 4;58 AM!!!

Who kicked you out of bed that early?

Were you appointed to have a cup of coffee with the rooster and send him out to wake up the reast of the world like MR?

regina Butler said...

I understood what you meant by cocktail flu right off the bat. My grandfather had it a lot, only his wasn't cocktail flu, it was gin flu or whiskey flu or .. you get the picture.

He kept a bottle under his truck seat all the time (even though we are a dry county). He didn't drink or smoke from last November 27 until he died August 26 becase he was in the hospital and nursing home.

However, one of my private requests to my brother (who is in the army) and sister was that we bury a bottle with him. Brother already thought of that and since he guarded him all night, he and the cousins toasted him all night, saved a sip for granddad and hid it away beside him.

regina Butler said...

BTW congrats on signing a house. I know something like that can save Christmas, and Thanksgiving, and easter.

watercolordaisy said...

My computer at home is on it's last breath. It will only boot up in safe mode. EEEEEK! Just ordered a new one. sigh.

CluckyRN said...

Take a peek-email if you want one!


Forcedtoretirelegaleagle said...

"I love you guys (that's a generic "guys" that includes girls, cows, and bunnies.) mrsh"

Well, don't forget about eagles! I'm baaaaaaaackk! Thank you Coop and Regina for missing me. I have missed all of you a lot. It has taken me all afternoon to read all of Marshall's blog entries and everyone's comments since election night.

I came home election night after a long 13-hour day working at the voting station and logged on and made a few comments and since my tail feathers were dragging, I went to bed. All of a sudden, it sounded like the Chinese new year was being celebrated in my bedroom. Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, etc. like someone had torched the first firecracker in a long line and they were going off one by one. My husband was watching TV in the living room and I called him when I realized the noise was coming from my 14-month old Gateway computer. He unplugged it and took it to the computer repair place. Of course, it was no longer under warranty and Gateway told me to pray that it wasn't the motherboard because that could be more expensive than a new computer. Thank goodness it was the power pack instead and that was under $50.00. Well, then I tried to hook it back up. Heh! (the sound that all of you are familiar with!). My husband finally looked at it today and got everything plugged back in and I'm back up. After getting used to having a computer at home and still not being able to find a job, I have been lost and I missed all of you. I hope Marshall is reading the blog while he is away on somebody's laptop because he would just croak if he got back to town to find out about Frank's new police chief that long after the fact.

CluckyRN said...

For the record, I missed you too! We birds have to stick together!


WeatherWorks by Joe said...

This is #57. We've got to make sure we hit 100 before Monday morning.

katherine - any place in DC to eat on Thanksgiving day.

watercolor - make sure you have a backup before your computer goes for good. But it sounds like software problem since it will boot in safemode.

lifeisgood said...

Call me crazy, but I have our Christmas cards stuffed and we put our Christmas tree up tonight. I'm not sure who is more excited, our kids or me. We will be going out of town early next week for Thanksgiving and I wanted everything done and ready when we got back!

Life is good!

dhcoop said...


You know the MRBAs missed you!! I'm glad your absence was only due to a technical problem.

Oh, and unimp, two things...1) you are right and we need to make 100 before Monday morning. Let's get BUSY, folks!! 2) when I was commuting to DC to work, I got together with a few friends and we had "orphan" Thanksgiving. Several of us who were without family there got together, cooked, and gave thanks that we had each other. Maybe you could do that.

I know it's REALLY early on a Sunday morning, but I'm up and am doing my part to "SAVE THE BLOG".


Supermom said...

I'm actually jealous, lifeisgood, my goal was to get my decorating done this weekend. But it isn't looking good...

dhcoop said...

I helped a friend decorate her shop yesterday and will probably do more today. Since I live alone in a tiny cottage, I probably won't do anything for myself. Then again, maybe I should. Maybe it would be good for me.

Katherine said...

unimp- Washingtonian magazine always complies a list of the "good" places to eat on T-giving, but I'm sure some of them require reservations. My sister lives close now, so we're going to her house, and in years past we've done the "orphan" thing with our small group from church, so I don't have personal experience with DC restaurants on Thanksgiving. But, here's the link to Washingtonian's Thanksgiving list.

I'll keep my ears open this week and see if I can find any other options for you, though! :)

Katherine said...

Well, you got me thinking, and I looked at a couple of our favorite places to eat to see if they were doing anything special for Thanksgiving, and they are! There are several restaurants that have REALLY good food that are doing special meals on Thursday, but lots of them are upwards $35/ person. But, the Clyde's group (they own all they Clyde's restaurants, Old Ebbitt Grill, 1789, etc.) has a traditional Thanksgiving menu that is only $22.95 / person. Clyde's is usually where we go to celebrate special occasions, and we've almost always had good food and good service there. :) Some of the other places might be worth the splurge if there aren't too many people in your party! :)

Okay, I'm supposed to be sleeping right now (I skipped church because my sinuses were killing me) so I better get back in bed!

Katherine said...

Okay -- last comment for a while, I promise, but now my brain is awake. :)
lifeisgood -- I admire your on-top-of-it-ness, but I have to admit -- I'm a purist, I can't stand to look at my Christmas decorations until the Thanksgiving leftovers are neatly tucked into the fridge. (but in a perfect world, I'd have them all up before I go to bed on Thanksgiving night!)

So -- here's a question of the day --
when do you put up your Christmas decorations?

WeatherWorks by Joe said...

katherine, thanks for the info.

dhcoop said...

Well, I was going to try to do a morning news update in our leaders absence, but when I went to, there's just too much depressing crap and I decided against it. There are some crazy folks in this world, y'all!!

Weather report - cool and sprinkly in Madison county at the moment.

Katherine, I think that's a very appropriate QOD. I used to enjoy putting up decorations right after Thanksgiving, but now that I'm alone, I don't do anything. The friend I helped decorate her shop yesterday kind of scolded me that I wasn't planning anything. I guess I kind of lost heart for it. Maybe the MRBA will help me get motivated?

dhcoop said...

You are all probably too young to remember, but I miss David Adcock and Tunes Till Two, particularly on mornings like this.

dhcoop said...

Ok, folks, I'm not going to do this by myself (although I've done it before). This is number 68. Let's get some chatter going!

Katherine said...

coop -
"You need a little Christmas, right this very minute . . ."
Okay, I'll stop, 'cause now we're all going to have that song stuck in our heads (and I don't listen to Christmas music until after dark on Thursday -- no, I'm not OCD at all).
How small is your cottage? Is there room for some garland out front and a small tree inside? JoAnn's and Michael's both have greenery on sale . . .

Forcedtoretirelegaleagle said...

Birds of a feather do stick together, I'm glad to see. Since my 6 children have been grown and have "significant others" in their lives, my husband and I usually do something unorthodox on Thanksgiving. We have been to the casino buffets in Vicksburg a few times, but the year they hired a Yankee cook at Isle of Capri who made stuffing instead of dressing was yuck. Two years ago, we went to Branson, Missouri for one of those 3 free nights and tickets to shows to listen to a condo speach. I have some good friends who moved to Branson and bought a fishing lodge, so we spent the last night with them before we left and my husband caught a trout off of their fishing dock. We always cook a turkey and I make dressing even if it is the Friday after the holiday. I haven't seen what the Friday Wal-Mart specials are this year and don't need to look because I don't think I could ever talk my husband into going back on that day after he went a few years ago to get one of those 27" cheap TVs. I have a new grandchild, number 12, being induced into the world Wednesday in Hattiesburg and Thursday is the birthday of my twin grandsons in Oxford. Since turkeys have gone up 20 cents per pound since last year, I am reading the sales papers and planning my turkey shopping.

barqsnut said...

Been "lurking" for a while, but dhcoop got me out with the David Adcock comment. I was just sitting here thinking the same thing. Does anyone know of the existence of any tapes of his shows?

dhcoop said...

No, barqsnut, but I have a few connections that might can help. I'll see what I can do.

Oh, and welcome! All lurkers are encouraged to become official MRBA. The more the merrier!!

And, Katherine, I just might be encouraged to pull out some garland just for you. We'll see. I used to have a really cool snowman village going...

watercolordaisy said...

unimp, I have taken it to computer co-op to get my info off and I ordered a new one from Dell yesterday. I bought the dying one in 1999 so I think I got my money's worth from it. It is indeed software related... as in, the current versions of anti virus / security software are no longer compatible with the operating system and they finally are killing each other. I pushed it as long as I could, lol! I have a back up from a month ago of the most critical (i.e. financial) files, but they are going to get it all for me. Since it is so old it only has a floppy drive... heh. Should have the new one shortly after Thanksgiving. We'll see if I get 8 years out of it.... haha. Stayed with XP Professional. Don't want no Vista.

watercolordaisy said...

oh, and the computer and it's components are so old, I can't upgrade the operating system to anything remotely close to present day. It is okay. I got my money's worth out of my little laptop. Although I am sad to see it go. I have really liked it a lot.

watercolordaisy said...

And Eagle, welcome back!!

WeatherWorks by Joe said...

Thanksgiving week is looking like it will be mostly wet and then cold and wet.

dhcoop said...

OK. So, on my way home to Rayberry from Madison county, I came across the CUTEST little puppy prancing down the middle of the road in the middle of nowhere. I tried the houses in the area, but no one claimed the little bugger, so now I have him with me at my friend's shop in Raytown. Hoping to find someone to adopt or my three cats are liable to divorce me. May not get another chance to blog before the end of the day, but I'll let y'all know what happens with the little baby.

regina Butler said...

Good rainy afternoon all. WE are trying to get through Christmas open house in our town. Will talk more later.

Andy said...

Just for the record, if you want a new feature on the blog or a different look, I can handle that. Drawing cartoons? Marshall's job at The C-L is not threatened by me.

CluckyRN said...

I hope MR can save the posts from Frank's trial. That was a rich time in the life of the MRBA's.


Katherine said...

A long nap and a trip to Trader Joe's later, and I'm back! :) The nap helped the sinuses, and now my fridge is stocked so I'm ready for the week!

How is everyone doing on this rainy night?

WeatherWorks by Joe said...


Where MR has gone to get R&R?

If we'll make it to 100 before sunrise?

Katherine said...

I think we can . . . I think we can . . . I think we can . . .

lifeisgood said...

On rainy days like today, I love a big bowl of hot vegatable soup with homemade cornbread!!!

life is good!

lifeisgood said...

Oops!! Vegetable

SoMissTV said...


MR went out of state for some well-deserved vacation time.

Katherine said...

Yum . . .veggie soup. Might have to make some for myself. :)

WeatherWorks by Joe said...

Yep, I figured he and family might be visiting some family during this time of the year.

From all his activities (other than drawing), I'm sure he was about burnt out.

WeatherWorks by Joe said...

News of Interest -
Jackson did NOT make the top 10 ranking released today in the "Most Dangerous Cities" report.

WeatherWorks by Joe said...

Ranked Most Dangerous
1. Detroit, Michigan
2. St. Louis, Missouri
3. Flint, Michigan
4. Oakland, California
5. Camden, New Jersey
6. Birmingham, Alabama
7. North Charleston, South Carolina
8. Memphis, Tennessee
9. Richmond, California
10. Cleveland, Ohio
Source: CQ Press

Katherine said...

That's . . . strange. Baltimore and DC were both in the top 20, but Jackson didn't even make the top 25. Granted, I don't live there any more, but it certainly doesn't SEEM any safer than it was a few years ago . . .
Frank, I'm sure, will take all the credit for it -- but I wonder if it is because of the Castle Doctrine?

Renee said...

I think Chief Sheriff McMillan will keep us off of that list. He isn't going to let Melton push him around that's for sure.

CluckyRN said...

Chief Sheriff McMillan Heh.

Check my blog for the cutest kitty ever! One of my babies has a new home.


I bet da Boss is in Hotlanta! Glad it didn't make the top 10 either~


Anonymous said...

Ok, you are seriously missed. These guys are doing a good job but we need your input. Too much good stuff going on for you to be off!

WeatherWorks by Joe said...

At number 95, we are getting close.

Katherine said...

It's getting late here. I need some sleep if I'm going to keep up with little man all day tomorrow. So, I'm off to bed.

Catch you in the morning!

Katherine said...

Oh, and unimp -- make sure you let us know where you get reservations. I will eat vicariously through you. :)

Mrs.H said...

2 of my three roaming children are home. M went on her first youth retreat this weekend. They got back to the church at noon today. She promptly came home and went to bed to catch up on a whole weekend's worth of sleep. L spent Friday night with a friend whose church was taking the children midnight bowling. My eldest has a lab tomorrow afternoon, and then she is heading home from MSU, just in time for her birthday. I didn't think I'd miss her as much as I do. I'll be glad to have her home for a week.

WeatherWorks by Joe said...

We never make reservations. In facts our first trip to DC ever - drove non stop and arrived in DC on July 4th at 9pm. Talk about timing. Got a great room couple of blocks from the White House.

Mrs.H said...

I couldn't resist:

WeatherWorks by Joe said...


Stacey said...

I was robbed of an extra hour of sleep this morning, and I'm very annoyed about it.

Katherine said...

Was your sleep interrupted by forces inside your home or outside? :)

regina Butler said...

I'm so glad you all managed to make it to 100 without me yesterday. Sorry. It was a FULL day. My son jon and I went home and kicked back and rested last night. watched a Carey Grant movie, was fun!

And I guess I can let the cat out of the bag (not somissty) Marshall went to Tennessee for his R&R. His speech in Tupelo Friday was a stop over on his way north to see family. His poor wife was cooped up with three boys in the hotel room while our illustrateous leader was speaking.

regina Butler said...

And how is everybody this pretty morning. I've got to get my time card filled out and my mileage sheet turned in if there is going to be any Thanksgiving dinner this year.

My editor asked me if I wasn't vounteering to work. Told her I would except the light folks want their money and the water folks want their money ...

Stacey said...

Heck if I know, Katherine. Despite going to bed after midnight, I woke up at 6:4freakin'5 this morning and couldn't go back to sleep. I'm none to happy about it.

dhcoop said...

Morning all!

Puppy update. The little scooter is doing fine and has been bathed and is being loved up in Rayberry. We hope to find him a good home quickly.

I got my first email from Dubai! Big Sis hopes to find housing quickly because she isn't real thrilled with the local food and wants to be able to cook. However, she did find a Krispy Kreme yesterday with the "HOT" sign on!

We are getting ready for our office Thanksgiving lunch here today. LOTS of goodies being brought in.

Have a great day, everyone!

Where's Ro said...

dhcoop, I believe the company is "White Flower Farm" but they have real cute live table top Christmas trees. They come pre-lit and with decorations ready to put out. They can be a little pricey, but towards this time of year they start going on sale. That might be the touch of Christmas your little cottage is looking for!

Speaking of puppies... I still have four boys, shots and fixed, 12weeks old who will be BIG balls of love! All looking for EXCELLENT homes.

Has anyone else had problems posting comments?

watercolordaisy said...

oy. monday.
yay. short week.
my new mouse has shipped! new computer has not yet....

Katherine said...

watercolor- you got a mouse, but no computer? That's crazy!

coop - they have Krispy Kreme in Dubai -- really???

Stacey - that stinks! I hate it when that happens. For me, if I wake up "randomly" like that, it's usually because little man has woken up and is using Jedi mind tricks to get me to come get him out of bed! :oP

dhcoop said...

Where's ro - thanks for the tip!

And, yep, Katherine, here is an excerpt from Big Sis email: "Oh, at the mall, first thing this morning, we were waiting on the bus and looking around and there it was---KRISPY KREME DONUTS AND THE RED SIGN WAS ON THAT THEY WERE HOT!!!!! If nothing else, I'll get a cab ever so often to the City Center mall and get donuts!!!!"

dhcoop said...

I just got another email from Big Sis. It's 8:15 tonight over there (weird, I know) and hubby is reading so she's on his laptop. This is about dinner tonight:

"Went to mall tonight---D needed stuff for his office. We ate at Kentucky Fried Chicken, then got a dozen Krispy Kreme's to go!!! And not another American in sight. On one hand, nothing is different, but on the other---it's hard to describe."

I told her when she gets a chance she needs to join the blog.

WeatherWorks by Joe said...

If you are like me, it's a long wait on the computer. I hate waiting on anything - esp. something to be shipped

Woopwa said...

90. Dizzy Dean, from Bond, was a member of the Baseball Hall of Fame, former pitcher for St. Louis Cardinals, and a sports television commentator. Memorabilia from the Dizzy Dean Museum was recently incorporated into the Mississippi Sports Hall Of Fame, located on Lakeland Drive in Jackson.


Katherine said...

Aaaw . . .thanks for that!
You know, we never went to the Sports Hall of Fame when we lived there, and we must have driven past it about once a day???
It's sad the stuff you don't do when you take it for granted. (*ahem* says the girl who could go to the Smithsonian any time she wanted, but hasn't set foot in any of the museums downtown in almost a year!!)

Where's Ro said...

Katherine, my husband and I lived in the Williamsburg, VA area for almost 7 years and people will ask us if we saw this or that. They are sometimes shocked to hear that we didn't see EVERYTHING while living in the area. It's amazing what you either take for granted, or just save for a more special moment, because we certainly go back and visit...

Stacey said...

Question of the day:

What is fun to do in Vicksburg?

(I have company coming in from New Jersey that really, really want to visit Vicksburg.)

Katherine said...

Are they history buffs, shoppers, gamblers, or a little of all three? :)
(that way we'll know what they'd enjoy).

HopieUM said...

that covers my favorite things -

The National Military Park

The Outlet Mall

and of course The boats!!

watercolordaisy said...

clarification... i ordered a special mouse so it shipped separately. :) Not Dell's fault. I knew it would ship separately when I ordered it. I didn't want the plain ole one that came w/ the puter. I wanted a snazzy special one. :)

watercolordaisy said...

unimp, no kidding! lol! And I read a lot of news sites online so I didn't know what to do with myself this weekend without a computer. Sad, very sad. When he entered my order, it came up with a ship date of Nov 27. sigh. lol! Maybe it will be earlier, but with Thanksgiving, maybe not. Luckily, I ordered it on their business side, so I should get it faster than their personal side is running.

watercolordaisy said...

The little shops downtown are nice. Vicksburg, that is.

Stacey said...

Well, they like Civil War battlefields.

Really, I'm just looking for a way to entertain them. Sitting around looking at each other in my living room in Brandon won't be a whole lot of fun.

WeatherWorks by Joe said...

Dick Wilson, the character actor and pitchman who for 21 years played an uptight grocer begging customers "Please, don't squeeze the Charmin," died Monday. He was 91.

Katherine said...

Stacey -- I put this in the comments on the post about Vicksburg a few weeks ago, but it was a late addition, so it might have been easy to miss.
We always took friends on the car tour of the battlefield. They have an audio-led tour, so you can stop and look at whatever interests you, then hop back in the car and continue the tour.

We'd usually walk around downtown, too - go to the Biedenharn Candy Company (the Coke museum), and there used to be lots of great places to eat dinner - anyone know if the Biscuit Company is still open? They had great gumbo. :)

Forcedtoretirelegaleagle said... is a site with a lot of Vicksburg information. The military park is very interesting and now you can go on the old ironsides Cairo. We saw a cannon shooting demonstration a couple of years ago that we enjoyed before touring the park. There are horsedrawn carriage rides downtown and many shops along Washington Street that carry a variety of things including antiques, dolls, etc. We have eaten at Borello's several times and it is excellent. Try the fried green tomatoes with lump crab meat and hollandaise sauce. Tip: if you eat there at night, carry a small flashlight in your purse to read the menu. And don't forget to ride over the river, take the first exit, right past the truck weigh station, turn left and go to the service station/liquor store/lottery place and get your Powerball tickets. They have a gameroom where I have always managed to win more than I have at the casinos. And speaking of casinos, we recently tried the newly remodeled, updated buffet at Rainbow Casino and it was terrible. If I want beef stew or fried chicken, I can have them at home. There are also a lot of tours around Vicksburg. I have been wanting to go on the walking ghost tour like I did in Natchez, but I think that ends in Vicksburg in October. There are many other tours this time of the year though.

Mrs.H said...

is it a mouse or a trackball? I have a trackball and I love it. Everyone else in the building hates it, though. Once I used it the first time, I loved it. I hate chasing a mouse all over the desk. I'm always running into something. The trackball never moves: I just roll the ball with one finger and click with my thumb.

Mrs.H said...

is it a mouse or a trackball? I have a trackball and I love it. Everyone else in the building hates it, though. Once I used it the first time, I loved it. I hate chasing a mouse all over the desk. I'm always running into something. The trackball never moves: I just roll the ball with one finger and click with my thumb.

Mrs.H said...

I guess I am having trouble posting. honestly, I only typed that once.

Forcedtoretirelegaleagle said...

A person of a distinct hair color was weed-eating her yard and accidentally cut off the tail of her cat who was hiding in the grass. She immediately rushed her poor kitty (along with the tail) over to WAL-MART, because Wal-Mart is -- of course -- the largest retailer in the world.

Forcedtoretirelegaleagle said...

Coop, this New Year's Eve will be 3years since someone knocked on our door with a black Chihuahua, asking if it was our dog. We said no, but if he didn't want it, we would love to have it. Then my husband decided 2 cats were enough and we needed to find a good home for the dog. I put out an e-mail at work and got 26 offers to take the dog. Of course, when I got home that night, my husband had changed his mind and I had to tell everyone I had decided to keep the dog after all. I think the cats would have divorced us if we have given the dog away. They all chase each other through the house and generally have a great time together although not one of them would admit if if questioned on the subject. I had both cats and dogs all of my life and I don't ever remember any of them not getting along, so I would encourage you to just keep that little fellow and you know he/she will have a great home!

Mrs.H said...

We live at the end of a dirt road and are always having drop-offs show up in our yard. The latest was a black puppy that looked (but didn't act) like he had a lot of Doberman in him. We never encourage these dogs to stay, but I think our official dog does encourage them. Anyway, the unofficial dog was hit by a truck this weekend when we couldn't get in touch with any vets. I'm surprised the girls took it so well. They have decorated his grave beautifully.

WeatherWorks by Joe said...

Thanksgiving Forecast

Turkeys will thaw in the morning, then warm in the oven to an afternoon high near 190F. The kitchen will turn hot and humid, and if you bother the cook, be ready for a severe squall or cold shoulder.

During the late afternoon and evening, the cold front of a knife will slice through the turkey, causing an accumulation of one to two inches on plates. Mashed potatoes will drift across one side while cranberry sauce creates slippery spots on the other. Please pass the gravy.

A weight watch and indigestion warning have been issued for the entire area, with increased stuffiness around the beltway. During the evening, the turkey will diminish and taper off to leftovers, dropping to a low of 34F in the refrigerator.

Looking ahead to Friday and Saturday, high pressure to eat sandwiches will be established. Flurries of leftovers can be expected both days with a 50 percent chance of scattered soup late in the day. We expect a warming trend where soup develops. By early next week, eating pressure will be low as the only wish left will be the bone.

(written by Tom Vodak, Abilene, TX,)

gigi said...

Yesterday was so busy so I never had time to look at the computer. But everyone did a great job of getting to 100. CONGRATS MRS. H! By the way, part of what I was doing yesterday was sitting beside your mother-in-law at choir practice. It took me awhile but I finally figured out who you are!

And welcome to BARQSNUT! If I'm right, you and I have talked on eBay in the past.

I'm looking forward to Wednesday so we can lock the door and head north to Jackson to my mother's...I mean Pearl...she moved to Pearl a couple of months ago. She's informed me that she got an 8# chicken instead of a turkey this year but that's OK. I haven't seen her in a while so that's what I'm looking forward to most.

Old Bopper said...

More on Vicksburg. The site recommended is an excellent site for general information. A guided tour in the park is a great adventure. The park guides must be knowledgable and may present only factual information. It's worth the $35.

Lunch at Anchuka is a nice occasion. Full lunch, salad or soup and salad. No need to dress up.

The old Courthouse museum is a nice place to visit. Lot's of good stuff there.

Do take in the Cairo exhibit at the park. It's very well done. Also see the film at the start of your tour to the park. Gives you a great overview of the Battle of Vicksburg.

watercolordaisy said...

mrs. h - it is a mouse. I have used a trackball and liked it, but it really made my hand hurt. I mouse with my whole arm, lol, so carpel tunnel isn't a possibility. But something about the trackball didn't sit well with my hand and wrist somehow.

WeatherWorks by Joe said...

MR must be on some vacation to go 'cold turkey' and not be leaving any comments on HIS blog.

Blogger said...


CluckyRN said...

Because I said so!


Stacey said...

Because you cheated and put the question of the day on the night before. This is unprecedented.

And I think maybe Clucky is a mom... Hmmm... :)

dhcoop said...

Thanks to everyone for advice on the pup. As of last night, it has been adopted by a little young lady in Rayberry who will give it lots of love and a fine home. With my circumstances (small abode with no yard), it would be completely unfair to keep a little dog cooped up (no pun intended) when the cats can come and go as they please through their cat window. I'm just happy he's landed a good place.

Mrs. H., I'm sorry about the loss of your unofficial dog.

unipm, GREAT post!!

LOVE Clucky's answer to bloggerman.

Stupid quote of the week: "Hell no, hail to the now, hell naw!"

dhcoop said...

Thanks to everyone for advice on the pup. As of last night, it has been adopted by a little young lady in Rayberry who will give it lots of love and a fine home. With my circumstances (small abode with no yard), it would be completely unfair to keep a little dog cooped up (no pun intended) when the cats can come and go as they please through their cat window. I'm just happy he's landed a good place.

Mrs. H., I'm sorry about the loss of your unofficial dog.

unipm, GREAT post!!

LOVE Clucky's answer to bloggerman.

Stupid quote of the week: "Hell no, hail to the now, hell naw!"

dhcoop said...

ok. I don't know what happened, but my post posted twice. sorry.

regina Butler said...

Hi everybody! I was busier than coops kitties in their litter box yesterday. I have some exciting news. We have folks who make Christmas brighter for kids in this northeast Mississippi area from Ingomar to New Albany to Houlka and all points in between.

We call them Ashley's Angels, because an Ashley truck driver started it and got his trucker friends involved. Well, yesterday the Ahley company gave the project $50,000! Istn't that great. There will be a lot of smiles on a lot of kiddies faces this year.

Forcedtoretirelegaleagle said...

Unimp, thank you for sharing the weather forecast. That's great and more accurate than any I have seen on TV.

I don't know if anyone else will admit to watching the Bachelor this season, but last night's finale was a shock to everyone. He was down to the final two, had bought the engagement ring, and sent Jenni home, so that left my favorite, DeAnna, as the one he had picked, but then he told DeAnna he couldn't honestly tell her he loved her, so he sent her home too. Wow! At least he was honest enough to admit it.

Mrs.H said...

Prayer request:
One of our deacons just passed away. He was a good friend and a great man. This was so sudden. Please remember his family.

regina Butler said...

Bloggerman, because it's Thanksgiving and God says to be thankful for ALL things.

Friends, enemies, idiots who drive on the road ....

regina Butler said...

unimp: thanks for passing along the thanksgiving forecast

Mrs.H said...

I think I know you, too. Does your other half still play bluegrass? You got a book for our eldest one time (a LONG time ago) and signed it from Gigi. Tell the family Hello from us.

Where's Ro said...

Regina, that should make everyone smile!

MsBlondie said...

unimp - love the Thanksgiving Forecast. That was really cute.

Regina: that is wonderful alot of children will now have a much better Christmas.

Bloger's question of Why? Why what? - Why we give Thanks? Because we have family and friends that we love and care for, Because we do live in one of the greatest countries, where we can give thanks. Because God sent His Son for us. Because of brave men and women giving their lives so we can be free. Because we have a great cartoonist here to brighten our days.

We have so many things to be thankful for. But please remember our troops as once again they spend another holiday away from their family and friends.

Woopwa said...

State Historical Marker Program

Since 1949 the State Historical Marker program has identified and interpreted the most important historical sites across Mississippi. The familiar silver and green tablets stand in practically every city and town in the state, commemorating significant people, events, or movements. Nearly eight hundred markers can be found near buildings, battlefields, cemeteries, churches, temples, forts, and abandoned towns.

Supermom said...

why, indeed!

regina Butler said...

Coop, to help brighten your christmas, why don't you put up a tree and adopt an angel from the Salvation Army Tree.

Wrap those presents and put them under your tree until the time you need to deliver them back to the distribution site.

It helps us to know we have made someone else's Christmas brighter when we can give like that.

My son has fun when we adopt an angel and he can shop for him or her.

regina Butler said...

Reckon we can make 200 comments by wednesday???

Forcedtoretirelegaleagle said...

200 comments by Wednesday for sure and I will try not to add any more that show that I have way too much time on my hands by wasting some of it watching such fluff as the Bachelor.

Mrsh, you and your church family will be in our thoughts and prayers.

And certainly during this holiday season, we should all keep our troops in our thoughts and prayers as they protect us and allow us to celebrate the holidays with our families while they give up being able to be home with theirs, knowing their lives are on the line at all times.

dhcoop said...

Regina, the angel sounds like a good idea.

And we should certainly be able to make it to 200!!

Mrs. H, I'm so sorry for the loss in your church family. Thoughts and prayers are with you.

Susan said...


Well, why not?

Perhaps because Santa is watching. At least that's what my mom keeps saying.

Stacey said...

Oh that Santa. Such a cad.

Why... do birds... suddenly appear...

dhcoop said...

LOL, Stacey! You are always good about putting songs in my head.

regina Butler said...

You wouldn't be talking about pink flamingos would you stacey? lol!!! I noticed that Susan's post was right above yours.

dhcoop said... fools fall in love?

regina Butler said...


I shudder every time I think about a tornado. They are NO fun!!!

Where's Ro said...

I have so many "Why's" that can't be answered right now, but all I can do is keep telling myself is to have patience and know that there is a larger plan out there that I am not privy to... It will be revealed in bits and pieces...

So why when I read Stacey's last post I thought of Brer Rabbit?

regina Butler said...

I suppose to be seasonaly correct I should have said "TURKEY".

dhcoop said...

speaking of rabbits, where's the topiary bunny?

dhcoop said...

Regina, you are up in north MS, right?

The Topiaryiest Bunny said...

Bunny is getting a Thanksgiving Dinner together....

Carrots, of course....along with mixed greens.

No time to post, must shine crystal, polish silver, peel carrots, prepare the meadow, erect tent in case of rain, chase errant baby bunnies.

Y'all have a GREAT Thanksgiving.

And remember to give thanks for everything including warm meadows, tasty niblets and welcoming blogs.


regina Butler said...

Yes, I am. The north part I think has more of a chance for the severe weather than you all do.

I live in Pontotoc County in the northeast part of the state,45 miles east of Oxford. We live in what is dubbed tornado the ally of Mississippi.

regina Butler said...

Awwww! bunny. you just made my day!

Happy Thanksgiving to you too. Hope you get all those errant children chased down.

Where is your friend the cow?

regina Butler said...

Where's ro? you've got me humming Uncle Remus songs from Walt Disney's movie.

dhcoop said...

You have a great one too, Bunny!

Regina, keep your head down.

Forcedtoretirelegaleagle said...

"Why... do birds... suddenly appear..."

You no sooner think those words when flamingos, cluckys and eagles all rush in . . . dare I say where angels fear to tread? . . .

Susan said...

I always seem to get extra nervous when bad weather comes in around Thanksgiving. Still remember the Thanksgiving weekend tornado a few years back that wiped out part of a nice subdivision in Madison County. My neighbor and I had watched the swirly cloud pass directly over our duplex about 30 minutes before. Yeah, I probably didn't need to bring that up today.

And Stacey, don't be knocking Santa! My brother and I take that stuff serious! He checks that list twice, and he KNOWS stuff.

Susan said...

Eagle - we do tend to be a little flighty around here sometimes. =)

Where's Ro said...

Regina, I was trying to remember Uncle Remus but for the life of me couldn't because that was the image coming to me... That soulfoul voice is still a favorite of mine as much as it was when I was a child.

David said...

Talking about about bad weather!! We are expecting 4-6 inches of snow tonight with temps down to the teens. With more white stuff on Wednesday and Wednesday night also.

Let it snow!!!

dhcoop said...

The birds are coming out in force!! We have a penquin now!

CluckyRN said...

"Every time you are near...

They hope you'll fry
Snickers and pickles
And not chicken too..."


WeatherWorks by Joe said...

Ya'll have a great Thanksgiving.

Got to load up the truck and get out of town as soon as the kids come in to join the long ride to Washington.

regina Butler said...

I'll be back later I'm going to brothers house to eat some deer steak. Nephew got one and my son helped him dress it, so now we get to share in the bounty. The best part!!!

dhcoop said...

Have a safe trip unimp (and anyone else getting on the road)!!

dhcoop said...

Have a safe trip unimp (and anyone else getting on the road)!!

CluckyRN said...

184...c'mon 200!



watercolordaisy said...

why must some people blame you for things they themselves had a major part in?

gigi said...

186. You got me Mrs H. We miss you and your wonderful family! We will remember your church family in our prayers.

I hope the weather is not too bad on everyone...we will be traveling too..hope to get away around noon tomorrow. At least we're not flying! What a nightmare that is going to be.

Forcedtoretirelegaleagle said...

Yep, and penguins too! And flamingos, hens and eagles, oh my!

I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving! If you are on the road, please be careful and get there safe!

We aren't travelling this Thanksgiving. A local friend and his wife called and invited us to a cookout at his house. He said his wife is making 10 cakes. He has a large family and we went to a barbecue there a few years ago and had a great time. Thanksgiving with all of them should be a lot of fun. We bought a turkey the other day, and then my husband came home from work today with a smoked turkey from his boss, so we are going to take it and some other stuff to our friends' house.

Forcedtoretirelegaleagle said...

I just heard that John Reeves was granted a re-vote, which will take place on December 16th.

We were going to Kroger when my husband got off this afternoon to look at a ham (and hope we could put a down payment down on one). I realized on the way that since my car tag expires the end of this month and the courthouse will be closed Friday, that it might be a good time to buy a new tag. I went through the drive through at the Tax Collector's office in less than 5 minutes and got my new tag and then we stopped at Azeteca and got those amazing shrimp chimachingas. By the time we got through eating and stopped at Kroger, there was a crowd that looked like Wal-Mart on Christmas Eve, so I drove through the parking lot and went home. We will run up there when my husband gets off tomorrow, and he is anticipating that they will get off at noon. I was too full to fight the crowds even if shopping for groceries on a full stomach is much better than shopping while hungry. I have made that mistake a few times.

Forcedtoretirelegaleagle said...

Husband going to bed with the chickens - got to go in the living room and watch TV so he can go to sleep. See y'all tomorrow.

CluckyRN said...

So if there is a strange man in my bed, it's your husband, right?


CluckyRN said...

A 20-year-old Greenwood man is expected to be sentenced on Wednesday for statutory rape involving an assault on a 7-year-old boy.

3 juvenile males, ages 8, 9, and 9 were arrested and charged with the rape of an 11 year old girl just miles from Atlanta.

What the hell is the world coming to.


Kay said...

I agree,what the @#$% has happened to America. There is no law and order and I blame the parents and Hollywood for a lot of our problems.

It seems the BIG word on television for kids is to be "hot". Good grief, what kind of signal is that sending to the kids?

What is wrong with kids being just kids. Nothing!

It seems we are going to lose these kids if their parents do not wake up and talk with them.

Kay said...


You made a funny. Eagle must be watching television.

regina Butler said...

I'm baaaaaccck!! And we are up to 193!!!!

Had a wonderful time at brothers house. The deer steaks were wonderful. My brother is a GREAT cook.

I ate more than any one woman should eat You can't beat something that was hoofing it last week and on the table this week. It doesn't reek of all those preservatives you get from the grocery store meat. Not an ounce of fat on it.

regina Butler said...

Clucky and Kay, it is just TOOOO sad what this media is doing to the kids, or what parents are allowing it to do.

Even though my son is 16 years old, I hear and see him watching the discovery channel, versus (bull riding), boomerang, and TCM. That thrills me as a parent. if he is not watching that, he is watching disney, which has some good programming that doesn't throw sex at the kids all the time. It is more along the lines of how kids should be in boy/girl situations.

regina Butler said...

Hello? hello? I guess the blog line went dead. Everybody is watching television, huh?

I've got to go to wally world and get me some hair color. My son says my head looks like a lighthouse, supplying full light to all incoming ships.

I've got to get it colored and rolled. If we have a tornado that blows us off the map tomorrow I want it to be looking good when Shepherd Smith shows up.

Katherine said...

FTRE = you reminded me - the grocery store -- yikes! I need to get cream cheese and butter while they're still on sale this week! :)

unimp - have a safe trip up this way. Watch out for troopers on I-81 -- those VA State Troopers, they LOOOOOVE out of state tags. :(

regina - batten down the hatches. I hope you don't get any bad weather tomorrow.

For those of you signing-off until after the holiday - have a wonderful Thanksgiving! We'll be home so I'll still be around! :)

CluckyRN said...



I just watched my nightly Scrubs. I want an epiphany toilet!!!


Stacey said...

Insomnia sucks.

Stacey said...

Making the 200th post doesn't suck.

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