Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Mississippi Trivia

1. The event which led to the creation of the Teddy Bear occurred near Onward, in 1902, when President Theodore Roosevelt, acting upon the suggestion of some friends, visited the state on a hunt for wild game. A bear was located by a member of the hunting party for the President. The bear was exhausted and possibly lame, some claim it was a mere cub. In any case, Roosevelt refused to shoot the helpless bear because he found it unsporting. News of the President's refusal to shoot the bear spread far and wide. Soon after, Morris Michtom, a New York merchant, made toy history when he created a stuffed toy bear and labeled it "Teddy's Bear. " Mr. Michtom placed the bear in the window of his candy store to draw attention. His success was so great that it led to the formation of the Ideal Toy Corporation in 1903. The Teddy Bear continues to be a favorite toy of children everywhere.

From visitmississippi.org


regina Butler said...

aaannd no matter where we went my brother dragged his teddy along. If we left it anywhere, we had to go back and pick it up.

Stacey said...

Teddy's bear continues to put me to sleep.

No! I mean I'm 27 years old! I don't have a teddy bear! Ahem...

watercolordaisy said...

Aw!!! I had never heard the whole story. That's lovely!