Monday, November 26, 2007

Cyber Monday Free-for-all

What's up? How's work today?


Blogger said...

will be downtown most days this week. have to testify in a court case for work. other than that, all is well, state is going bowling, usm is going bowling, and ole miss is going bowling. its great. Wait, whats that you say, ole miss only won 3 games and none were against BCS conference teams. oh yeah thats right. makes my day even better.

Supermom said...

you're bad, Gabe...

bought a Garmin for son... can't wait to try it out...

regina Butler said...

Good morning everybody!!!!! I lived through the weekend. Will try to find a dentist chair tomorrow or wednesday so I can get off of these drugs i'm on to keep me on my feet.

I thought i was going to die last night.

WELCOME BACK MARSHALL!!! (Reminds me of the welcome back Kotter?? song) It was good to see you in Tupelo.

Anyway, I missed you last week, but I am so thrilled you were able to go hiking. Those pictures are BEAUTIFUL.

Now make sure you post that painting when you get it done.

Oh and thanks for showing us that Sam the kitty is still fat and happy. I was afraid he would lose weight while the family was gone.

dhcoop said...

Morning, all. I'm still grieving over my Merle kitty, but it's getting better. The picture of big ol Sam sure is sweet.

Regina, I posted the sausage dip recipe in the Save the Blog post, I don't know if you've seen it yet.

I hope everyone has a great day.

regina Butler said...

Thanks coop. I will go catch it. And I'm so sorry about your kitty. cats are special people.

regina Butler said...

Marshall, I've just got to tell you. The funniest six posts under Save the Blog are the posts from leagle eagle during the last nine minutes of the Egg bowl. Classic!!! I'm still laughing over it.

clstigger said...

Well, it is back to work for me too after 10 days off. Enjoyed my time in GA but glad to be back home. My husband got the outside of the house decorated. We went and got a tree yesterday and have it up with lights on. Hopefully after this first Monday back to work I will feel like putting ornaments on when I get home. Hope everyone has a great Monday.

Coop sorry about your kitty. I lost a pet in September. They truly are part of our family. My thoughts will be with you this week.

regina Butler said...



Anonymous said...

I'm soooo sorry for your loss Coop. I know how hard that can be. You are in my thoughts!

Katherine said...

I got to sleep late today! Little man didn't wake up until 9, so I got a few extra zz's. :) I'm sure it had nothing to do with his late night helping decorate the tree. (in fact, it probably didn't - because he usually wakes up EARLIER if he goes to bed late . . .)
Cloudy here today, but it kind of goes with the cold, watching the lights blink on the Christmas tree, getting in a Christmas-y mood thing. :)

watercolordaisy said...

My new computer is here! My new computer is here!!!

Forcedtoretirelegaleagle said...

Congratulations, Watercolor! I know what it's like to be without a computer. After mine blew up and I was incommunicado for nearly 2 weeks, I was so excited to have it back.

Thank you, Regina. For someone who normally doesn't watch football, I got the biggest kick out of the Egg Bowl! My dad was always such a loyal State fan and I know he would have loved that game!

regina Butler said...

Yaayyy water color. Just in time for Christmas fun. Now your mouse can stir.

Coop, that sausage dip recipe didn't post. I know you have been sad, so please take your time. We have lots of days before christmas stuff.

Anonymous said...

MR are you still moving the blog to a different user?

regina Butler said...

OOOps Coop. I FOUND it. It (sausage dip) was in the weekend free-for-all post. I'm just now catching up on my weekend reading.

Marshall Ramsey said...

Eventually. My blog kind of is no-man's land right now.

Where's Ro said...

Dhcoop, I am sorry for the loss of your kitty. We had to put down our "first" dog that my husband and I had as a couple right before Easter this year. I know the pain of your loss and I am sure your kitty is greeting others as they cross purring and rubbing them as they come.

Marshall Ramsey said...

Our dog Sadie died by a flag for going in her mouth and piercing her brain. It was our first night in our house and she died on the way to the emergency vet at 9:30 at night.

I have never been more traumatized at the loss of a pet. It was a freak accident -- she couldn't see out of her right eye and it was dark so I couldn't see the flag. She died, foaming in my wife's lap on the way to the vet. I ran with her in my arms all the way to the house and she foamed on our porch until Mrs. R could get the car.

We cried over her body at the vet and it still hurts to this day. She was my wife's dog in college and to be honest the only person or thing that hasn't let her down.

Marshall Ramsey said...

It was flag marking a neighbor's invisible fence for their dogs.

dhcoop said...

Oh, MR, that's terrible! I cannot even imagine your grief in those circumstances.

At least I was blessed in that, regardless of why it happened to such a young cat, he seemed to go peacefully in his sleep.

I want to thank all of you for your thoughts and kind words.

Forcedtoretirelegaleagle said...

Oh, Marshall, that is horrible!

Someone told us when our beloved Hungry Jack died that a little child in Heaven needed a cat. And I love the poem "The Rainbow Bridge." I know that one day Hungry Jack and a lot of other pets I have had over the years will cross the Rainbow Bridge to greet me.

watercolordaisy said...

oh my goodness Marshall! My putuppy girl is 14 and today when I came home for lunch she didn't stir in her bed and my heart stopped. Then she snored. She was just tired from keeping a close eye on me for four days straight, lol! It will be a sad sad day when she goes. I've had her since she was 6 weeks old.

regina Butler said...

Eagle, can you post the Rainbow Bridge poem?

watercolordaisy said...

On another note, while home at lunch, I started setting up my new computer! The fancy bluetooth mouse is refusing to talk to the computer. gag. "mouse detected. please wait while connection is established. please restart mouse. mouse detected. please wait while connection is established. please restart mouse. mouse detected. please wait while connection is established. please restart mouse." ARG. And yes, I restarted the dang thing every time it told me to. And the comcast guy was wrong. I do *not* just have to plug my line into the new computer and be "good to go." "No internet connection detected." And on comcast's web site, instructions for connection a new computer. 3 steps long. You'd think he could have told me them. But it is shiny! And has great sound! That's all I know so far....

regina Butler said...

Marshall, I know your pain. my dog trixie died at age 14 in my arms. She and I went to the gulf coast together three times. She was my constant pal.

Everyone in town knew her and loved her. I lived a couple of blocks from town and if I didn't come home when she thought I should, she came to the newspaper office and patiently waited for me on the back steps.

regina Butler said...

Watercolor, I know you are asking where's guru Stacey when you need her right?

Where's Ro said...

I have a copy at my desk, but I also found it on Google...

The Rainbow Bridge

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown...

regina Butler said...

ON a much lighter note from me, I went home to cook some soup for tonight. We are going to have soup, sandwiches, scissors and sodas at church tonight.

Let me explain, the scissors will be used to cut strips into those blankets that you tie together.

We will tie a bunch of them and deliver them to the nursing home patients for christmas.

Back to the soup making, I cut my potatoes, onions and carrots and let them cook together in my black square skillet in canola oil.

I browned ground beef and sausage together in another skillet, added a can of tomato paste and canned tomatoes with garlic and basil.

Finally I was ready to combine everything in my soup "steur" as my grandmother would say, (it was one of her pans) and it filled the pot!!! Have you ever heard of such. Needless to say, I now have two big pans of soup.

i also cooked 31 pieces plus a #4 skillet of cornbread to go with it.

watercolordaisy said...

Regina, if I need him, my brother in law is a computer guru. I try not to call him, though. I got free gold support from dell for a year. And I pay comcast enough a month that they better help me. As for the mouse. If I can get the internet up, I'll look for a new driver for it and see if that makes them make friends. If not, I'll see if the BIL has any ideas and if not, I'll return the sucker. ;)

Forcedtoretirelegaleagle said...

Thank you for your help, Where's Ro. I've been over at Neverland at, the myspace for the over 50 crowd, checking my recipe groups and copying recipes like an idiot (or like I am ever going to actually cook any more than I have to).

I hadn't read the Rainbow Bridge in a while and enjoyed reading it again. I love that poem and it always brings a tear to my eye.

regina Butler said...

*sniff* *sniff* Rainbow Bridge is Beautiful!!! Makes me think of my little Trixie. She could see me from a distance and she would come running.